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10 End of the Year Reflection Questions

Now that the year is ending, most people are trying to plan out their New Year’s Resolutions. Before we start that rush, let’s take a moment and appreciate and reflect on how this past year has gone for us personally.

Ask yourself:

1. What would you consider to be a failure that offered the greatest takeaway? What was it you learned?

2. What do you consider to be this year’s proudest achievement? Why?

3. What’s something new you discovered that you loved?

4. What new habits did you cultivate?

5. What old habits did you drop?

6. What was the nicest thing you did for someone?

7. How did you grow as a person? What did you learn about yourself through this growth process?

8. What healthy boundaries did you create this year?

9. What made you happiest this year?

10. What advice do you have for yourself for 2020?

It’s easy to look back on our year and see only failures, but a simple tweak in framing turns those failures into “tries”. Celebrate these tries as badges of courage, and the information learned from them as a point for personal growth.

Published on Dec 26 09 : 00 am